My mum’s name is Exeter and she is also from Tuvalu. My mum is a great and lovely person. She always try her best to make money to feed the whole family. She cares a lot for people. If we had a family member that had nowhere to live she would welcome them in with a beautiful smile. That’s how loyal she is to our family. If my sisters or I had a school situation she will find a way to solve the problem because she wants us to have a good education, a good job and a great life when we grow up . My mum is a very busy lady but she always tries to find time to spend with us. If we had no food to eat she would go to the bank and take out money even if she hadn’t paid her bills. Shell take the money out and make sure that we have delicious food to eat. My mum has a lot of special qualities. My mum influences me in a lot of things. She tells us that school is important and that we should never miss a day of school because it would ruin our life when we grow up. My mum also tells me that learn really hard in school because when you grow up you will have successful job. I love my mum really much for what she does for our family. Thank you for your reading what I have to say about my special mum.
On the 23rd September 2011 Tamaki Intermediate had a wonderful school assembly. The Bollywood group, choir, and the Tongan Trip students performed in front of the whole school.To begin the assembly we had a few simple songs. We sang “Swing Low” and “Drum of the Islands”. We sang so beautifully that I think the angels might have been singing with us.Then it was time that the Bollywood group performed. When they started the crowd went quiet focusing on the amazing moves of the dancers.They were appealing.Next up, was the Tongan Trip girls. They performed such a welcoming performance.While they were getting ready the choir sang a staggering song. They sang “Sipiao”. What a incredible song.Then it was time for the Tongan Trip boys. They began to dance and the crowd went wild. More wonderful dances were performed. They brought the roof down.Once again the choir sang another song. They sang “Bring it all Back”. It made me feel happy because they sang in such a proud manner.